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What do we cover in The Healthy Life programme?

Our Healthy Life Programme consists of 5 sessions. They each cover a different topic and challenges and goals are set for the young person at the end of each session. Your Dietitian or Nutritionist will recommend how often you and your child should attend. There is no time limit in which to use the sessions but in general, reviews will be every 2-3 weeks.

Session 1: Eating for growth

In this session we look at how the young person’s diet compares to that of healthy eating recommendations. We educate the young person on different food groups so that they know exactly what they should aim to include in their diet but most importantly, why!

Session 2: Fruit and Veg - are you getting yours?

In this session we look at the important role that fruit and veg play in healthy growth. Through education and challenges we look at how the young person can include fruit and vegetables in their diet in a way that they enjoy.

Session 3: Your body is made to move

We know from recent statistics that young people are getting too much screen time and not enough physical activity. In this session we look at what counts as exercise and how the child/teenager can get moving more. The most important thing is finding movement that they enjoy and can maintain for life.

Session 4: Junk food reduction

Clever marketing and advertising are often targeted at children and teenagers making junk food super appealing. No food should be banned or completely restricted as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. In this session we discuss the dangers of eating junk-food regularly and how you can still have small amounts and be healthy.

Session 5: Healthy Habits for Life

We know that it can take weeks or months to maintain new healthy habits. In this session we look at what might be getting in the way of adopting healthy habits and provide solutions to overcome unhealthy habits once and for all. We are not looking for drastic changes that can’t be maintained. The goal is to incorporate realistic changes that can be maintained for life.

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